Call for proposals to host an IUTAM symposium or instructional summer school in 2008 or 2009
Proposal due no later than February 1, 2006
The United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM) seeks proposals from U. S. authors and institutions to host IUTAM (International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) Symposia or Instructional Summer Schools in 2008 or 2009. Detailed information for US proposers can be found on the USNC/TAM website at: (click on IUTAM Symposia). IUTAM provides a small amount of financial support for the symposia and summer schools sanctioned by the IUTAM General Assembly. US organizers are strongly encouraged to seek additional financial support from other sources. The primary use of financial support is to help with travel expenses for younger scientists and scientists from developing countries. Listings of past and current IUTAM symposia and summer schools can be obtained through the USNC/TAM web site.
IUTAM Symposia
The goal of an IUTAM Symposium is to assemble a group of active scientists, within a well-defined field, for the development of science in that field. Participation is by invitation only. In order to achieve effective communication within the group it should, typically, be limited to 60-80 scientists with expertise in the subject area of the symposium. Symposia typically consist of a few invited lectures, and a larger number of contributed papers, presented as lectures and/or posters, all pre-screened by the Symposium Scientific Committee.
IUTAM Instructional Summer Schools
The purpose of an IUTAM Instructional Summer School is to provide lectures by leading experts in a new or emerging field of science and engineering in order to foster developments in that field. Schools are typically 3– 5 days in length and intended primarily for younger scientists and those with only limited knowledge in the specific field of the school. Participation of is by invitation only.
Proposal Submission
Proposals from the United States to host a symposium or summer school should be submitted on the appropriate two-page Proposal Submission Form available on the USNC/TAM website. The completed proposal should be sent electronically to the USNC/TAM Secretary ( no later than January 15, 2006. Proposers may submit their proposals directly to IUTAM. However, experience has shown that proposals benefit from the feedback provided by USNC/TAM, and that the recommendation of USNC/TAM when the proposal is finally submitted to IUTAM carries considerable weight. An example of a successful proposal can be found on the USNC/TAM website.
Final Approvals
Proposals will be assessed by the USNC/TAM and then forwarded to IUTAM where they are reviewed by IUTAM panels. The IUTAM General Assembly will vote on the panel recommendations in August 2006.
The United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM) seeks proposals from U. S. authors and institutions to host IUTAM (International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) Symposia or Instructional Summer Schools in 2008 or 2009. Detailed information for US proposers can be found on the USNC/TAM website at: (click on IUTAM Symposia). IUTAM provides a small amount of financial support for the symposia and summer schools sanctioned by the IUTAM General Assembly. US organizers are strongly encouraged to seek additional financial support from other sources. The primary use of financial support is to help with travel expenses for younger scientists and scientists from developing countries. Listings of past and current IUTAM symposia and summer schools can be obtained through the USNC/TAM web site.
IUTAM Symposia
The goal of an IUTAM Symposium is to assemble a group of active scientists, within a well-defined field, for the development of science in that field. Participation is by invitation only. In order to achieve effective communication within the group it should, typically, be limited to 60-80 scientists with expertise in the subject area of the symposium. Symposia typically consist of a few invited lectures, and a larger number of contributed papers, presented as lectures and/or posters, all pre-screened by the Symposium Scientific Committee.
IUTAM Instructional Summer Schools
The purpose of an IUTAM Instructional Summer School is to provide lectures by leading experts in a new or emerging field of science and engineering in order to foster developments in that field. Schools are typically 3– 5 days in length and intended primarily for younger scientists and those with only limited knowledge in the specific field of the school. Participation of is by invitation only.
Proposal Submission
Proposals from the United States to host a symposium or summer school should be submitted on the appropriate two-page Proposal Submission Form available on the USNC/TAM website. The completed proposal should be sent electronically to the USNC/TAM Secretary ( no later than January 15, 2006. Proposers may submit their proposals directly to IUTAM. However, experience has shown that proposals benefit from the feedback provided by USNC/TAM, and that the recommendation of USNC/TAM when the proposal is finally submitted to IUTAM carries considerable weight. An example of a successful proposal can be found on the USNC/TAM website.
Final Approvals
Proposals will be assessed by the USNC/TAM and then forwarded to IUTAM where they are reviewed by IUTAM panels. The IUTAM General Assembly will vote on the panel recommendations in August 2006.
In an e-mail message to me this evening, Carl Herakovich indicated," "We can extend the submission date to Feb. 1 if necessary, but it would
be good if anyone planning to submit would give me a heads-up that a
proposal will be forthcoming."
Zhigang Suo, at 1/12/2006 7:26 PM
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